Note that you will not find a text-based SS-5 in the Numident database for everyone who is in the Social Security Death Index (SSDI). The database is free to use at NARA's website. Ordering copies of SS-5 forms from the Social Security Administration requires a fee.
Many of the "Application (SS-5) Files" in the Numident database contain:
- Name
- Social Security Number
- Date and Place of Birth
- Names of Parents
Some of these files may also contain:
- "Other Last Name" -- this is usually a woman's maiden name. Note that this is not included on a standard SS-5.
- Name
- Social Security Number
- Date and Place of Birth
- Names of Parents (may be redacted)
- Address
- Name and address of present employer
- Sex and Color/Race
- Date signed
Here is a comparison between the Numident application file from NARA and the SS-5 obtained from the Social Security Administration for actor Gregory Peck, who died in 2003.
The basic information given in the Numident application file for Gregory Peck:
- Name: Eldred Gregory Peck
- Social Security Number: 547-16-9811
- Birth: 5 April 1916, San Diego, California
- Parents: Bernice M. Ayres and Gregory P. Peck
- Name: Eldred Gregory Peck
- Social Security Number: 547-16-9811
- Birth: 5 April 1916, San Diego, California; Age: 21
- Parents: Bernice Mae Ayres and Gregory Pearl Peck
- Date signed: 20 December 1937
- Employer: The Marston Co, 5th and C streets, San Diego
- Sex: male; Color: white
- Signature
NARA's Numident database also contains "Death Files," which is similar to the SSDI, but with fewer entries. And "Claim Files," which include brief information about when a person made a claim for Social Security benefits, including death claims.
If the person you're looking for is not in NARA's Numident database, you can try ordering a copy of the SS-5 from the Social Security Administration.
NARA's Numident database is online at: Social Security Numident Files Database from the National Archives.
For information about the online Social Security Death Index and related databases, along with information about how to order a copy of an SS-5 form, see:
The Social Security Death Index and Related Databases - Information for Online Searching
Here's a copy of Gregory Peck's SS-5 form (click on it to see a larger view).